Raja Yoga – Part 3

Happy Friday, Folks... 🙂 In my previous blogs, I wrote about: Introduction to Raja Yoga The First Limb of Raja Yoga, Yamas (Restraints) Today, I am going to go over the Niyamas (Discipline). NIYAMA (DISCIPLINE) ‘Niyama’ literally represents ‘binding rules’ or ‘observances’ or ‘discipline’. These are all about self-regulation, helping us maintain a positive environment … Continue reading Raja Yoga – Part 3

Raja Yoga – Part 2

Welcome back to the series on Raja Yoga. Introduction to Raja Yoga was covered in my previous blog. This blog is on the first limb of Raja Yoga, the Yamas. Yama (Restraints) The first limb, Yama, refers to the restraints / vows / moral disciplines relating to ourselves and our interaction with the world around … Continue reading Raja Yoga – Part 2

Raja Yoga – Part 1

Introduction Raja Yoga is one of the four streams of Yoga. It is the path of the willpower. As we know, no action is possible without willpower. Raja means King. A king is considered to be the one who acts with independence, self-confidence and assurance. Since this particular stream / path of Yoga leads us … Continue reading Raja Yoga – Part 1